All prices quoted are in US dollar.
Only pay for shipping for the longest item ordered
Orders are processed manually. Upon ordering, you will receive confirmation and invoice within 24 hours.
Shipping and Tracking
Once an order is placed the ordered item is checked and any necessary finishing work is done. Items are routinely left 'almost finished' as inscriptions and alterations added to an order can, otherwise, mean repeating work already done.
Shipping cost quoted is the maximum you will be charged. Lesser cost will be applied where possible. Typically : within Ireland $15. United Kingdom $30
Routine 'finishing' will usually mean items will be ready for next day dispatch.
Inscriptions and alterations will usually take 3 - 4 days to complete.
Packages are dispatched twice weekly.
Delivery usually takes 4 - 6 working days from dispatch. Allowing for above circumstances, we advise allowing 14 days for arrival.
Fighting sticks with oil finish take longer to finish off and we advise allowing 21 days for delivery of these.
When ordering items for special occasions, please allow plenty of time for delivery.
Customers in Northern Ireland should give their address as such. Items addressed to the United Kingdom may be shipped via the mainland and
charged as such. Northern Ireland addressed items will ship direct and only cost local rates.
We cannot accept responsibility for packages requesting to be left outside one's home / at reception desk, office etc.
From April 4th 2013, all items under 22" length up to 950 grams are sent by registered package. Items above this length and/or weight are sent by Parcel Post.
Both services have a tracking feature. The tracking number given is only good for tracking within Ireland. Since summer of 2012, most countries scan the packages on arrival there but no longer upload the information to the tracking system that is available to the public on packages that weigh less than 2kg. This means that checking on the status of a package under 2kg in weight, will now only show that it has left Ireland.
However, this is not affecting the delivery of our packages and all have been arriving safely at their destinations on schedule.
The tracking numbers are still enabled and should a package be long overdue or go missing, we can request the relevant authority to trace it.
We can no longer routinely check on items whereabouts for customers without filing an official 'missing item' report.
To track an item:
Visit anpost.ie website and select 'Track and Trace'
Enter the tracking number we have supplied.
This will usually inform you that the item has passed through Heathrow, London, UK.
The tracking number you use will appear under the heading 'sender number'
To the left of this under the heading 'An Post Number' is the number which must be used to track with your postal service.
This may be the same number or a different number beginning with the letters EF, which is an international tracking number
sometimes but not always designated at Heathrow.
Expedited Shipping
We do not offer this option. Courier shipments are prohibitively expensive and may also be subject to delays by customs checks, thus not
being delivered as promptly as expected.
Shipping to Third Parties
Sending A Shillelagh as a gift to a friend or loved one can be a lovely surprise for them. However, someone who is not expecting a surprise package in the mail
may not be home when the item is delivered. may not be in a position to react to the attempted delivery notice left at the address and/or arrange collection or re-delivery
of the item, or may simply disregard the collection notice for an unexpected package from a total stranger in Ireland.
It is the purchasers responsibility to ensure that there will be someone at the shipping address to accept delivery or react to an attempted delivery notice within the timeframe (5 - 15 days depending on the area). Otherwise, the item will be returned to us. Postage costs are reasonably expensive and re-shipping costs is avoidable, but if necessary, the cost of re-shipping an item must be paid by the purchaser before the said item will be re-shipped.